Safety goggles manufactured and distributed by Huynh Gia to ensure standards are being noticed. Besides the N95 medical mask product that protects the nose and mouth comprehensively, avoiding droplets containing Coronavirus and dirt, another part that we need to protect is the eyes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends eye protection for many potential exposure environments where people are at risk for infectious diseases through ocular exposure, especially COVID-19.
Infectious diseases can be transmitted by different mechanisms, among which infections can be entered through the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). These include viruses and bacteria that can cause conjunctivitis (eg, Corona, adenovirus, herpes simplex, Staphylococcus aureus) and viruses that can cause systemic infections, including blood viruses (eg, hepatitis B and C, human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis virus. Infectious agents are introduced directly into the eyes (eg, splashes, respiratory droplets produced during coughing or spitting, or talking, laughing) or by touching the eyes with contaminated fingers or other objects.
Safety Goggles - Effective eye protection measure.
Therefore, Huynh Gia Safety Goggles are the best choice to protect your eyes from pathogenic bacteria and viruses, especially during the COVID-19 epidemic. We need the most comprehensive protection for the body.
Safety Goggles are mainly used in specific occupations or riding dust-proof vehicles. However, in the current Corona epidemic conditions, safety goggles have become indispensable items, besides masks, hand sanitizer, and medical gloves. Because nCOV bacteria can follow the droplet to shoot rays into the eye, causing the infection through the cornea.
Safety goggles are your “shield” against other PPEs.
Safety goggles provide a barrier to infectious materials entering the eyes and are often used in conjunction with other personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, protective clothing, masks, or gas masks.
Therefore, the use of safety goggles is summarized as follows:
Safety goggles are constructed from specific integrated materials: PC resin for lenses and PP or HDPE for frames and have no metal housings or metal parts, other than screws and margin. Safety glasses are free from visible defects and meet the requirements of appropriate use.
Currently, specialized safety goggles manufactured by Huynh Gia has the following packing specifications:
In addition, the technical criteria on materials for the production of safety goggles conform to the requirements stated in the following table:
Requirements for the specifications of safety goggles.
Huynh Gia's safety goggles products meet quality standards through the test results of the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality - Ministry of Science and Technology with standard chemical content, safe for users.
Test results of Huynh Gia safety goggles.
When using safety goggles, you need to comply with some regulations as follows:
Safety goggles should be chosen in the case of other PPE usage requirements. Goggles may not fit properly when used with certain half-face masks and similarly, face shields may not fit certain respirators. Once PPE requirements have been established for a particular infection control situation, the selected PPE must be pre-tested to ensure user protection when used in conjunction with other products.
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